Best Prompts to Summarize Meeting Transcripts Using ChatGPT

Shubham Aggarwal
Shubham Aggarwal
August 27, 2024
5 min read
Best Prompts to Summarize Meeting Transcripts Using ChatGPT

Managing and reviewing meeting outcomes has become a quintessential part of business operations. The ability to quickly summarize meeting transcripts not only saves valuable time but also ensures that key decisions and action items are effectively communicated and implemented. With advancements in AI summarization technology, tools like ChatGPT are transforming the way professionals tackle meeting summaries, offering a swift, accurate way to distill lengthy discussions into concise, actionable points.

This article delves into how ChatGPT can be employed to streamline the process of creating meeting summaries from transcripts. We will guide you through a step-by-step approach to utilize ChatGPT for summarizing meetings, highlighting the most effective prompts you can use to extract essential information seamlessly. Moreover, we'll provide additional tips to enhance your meeting summaries and conclude with insights on how leveraging AI, such as ChatGPT, as your AI meeting assistant, can revolutionize your approach to documenting and acting on the insights gathered during meetings. Whether you're looking to summarize meeting minutes, transcribe discussions, or simply make your meeting notes more accessible, this guide is tailored to help you maximize efficiency and productivity in your professional communications.

What is ChatGPT and How Can It Help With Meeting Summaries?

ChatGPT is a state-of-the-art AI language model developed by OpenAI, designed to understand, generate, and respond to human-like text. This capability makes it an invaluable tool in various professional scenarios, including simplifying the task of meeting summarization.

Understanding ChatGPT's Role in Meeting Summaries

ChatGPT functions as an AI meeting assistant that can operate continuously without the need for rest, providing you with accurate and concise summaries of your meetings whenever required. This feature is particularly beneficial for handling extensive meeting transcripts, which can be cumbersome and time-consuming to summarize manually.

How ChatGPT Summarizes Meeting Transcripts

To utilize ChatGPT for meeting summaries, you need to provide the complete transcript of the meeting. By using specific prompts, you instruct ChatGPT on how to process this information. The model then identifies the crucial points, decisions, and action items, delivering a summarized version that highlights the most important details.

Practical Applications and Benefits

The integration of ChatGPT in summarizing meeting notes allows you to focus more on actionable items rather than getting bogged down by extensive documentation. This shift not only saves time but also enhances productivity by ensuring that all meeting insights are captured succinctly and accurately. Moreover, tools like Tactiq can augment this process by offering built-in summary features that feed directly into ChatGPT, streamlining the workflow and improving efficiency.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using ChatGPT for Meeting Summaries

  1. Access ChatGPT: Open the ChatGPT application through its website or mobile app.
  2. Input the Transcript: Paste the complete meeting transcript into the input box of ChatGPT.
  3. Set the Prompt: Use specific prompts such as "Summarize the key points of this meeting" or "Identify the main decisions and action items."
  4. Generate Summary: Initiate the summarization process and let ChatGPT analyze the text.
  5. Review and Use: Evaluate the generated summary to ensure it meets your standards before using it in reports or sharing it with your team.

By following these steps, you can effectively reduce the time spent on meeting documentation and ensure that all significant information is readily accessible and actionable.

Step-by-Step Guide to Summarize Meeting Transcripts with ChatGPT

Obtain the Meeting Transcript

To begin summarizing your meeting transcripts with ChatGPT, first ensure you have the complete transcript. If you don't already possess the transcript, you can use tools like Tactiq to generate one by uploading your meeting recording. Navigate to Tactiq's website, click 'Upload Transcript or Recording' and select your file for upload. Once uploaded, you will receive a detailed transcript that serves as the foundation for your summary.

Prepare Your Prompts

Next, decide on the specific information you wish to extract from the meeting transcript. Effective prompts can significantly influence the quality of the summary ChatGPT generates. Consider using prompts such as "Summarize the key points discussed," "List the decisions made during the meeting," or "Highlight the main challenges or issues discussed." These prompts help direct ChatGPT to focus on the elements of the meeting that are most valuable to you.

Input Transcript and Prompts to ChatGPT

With your meeting transcript and selected prompts ready, proceed to ChatGPT. Copy and paste the meeting notes into a Google Doc or directly into the ChatGPT interface. After inserting your transcript, type in your chosen prompts. This step is crucial as it guides ChatGPT in analyzing and structuring the content according to your needs. By clearly stating what you need summarized, you ensure that the AI focuses on the most pertinent aspects of your discussions.

Review and Edit the Generated Summary

Once ChatGPT provides the initial summary, it's important to review and refine the output. Check if the summary accurately reflects the crucial details and make adjustments to capture any missing elements. If the summary doesn't meet your expectations, you can provide feedback to ChatGPT and request a revised summary using clearer or different prompts. This iterative process helps in fine-tuning the summary to ensure it effectively captures the essence and critical points of your meeting.

Effective Prompts to Use for Summarizing Meetings

Examples of Successful Prompts

  1. Executive Summary Prompt
    • Prompt: "Executive Summary: Create a detailed executive summary that covers key outcomes, strategic decisions, and future directions."
    • Use: This prompt guides ChatGPT to synthesize high-level insights, focusing on the primary objectives achieved, major insights gained, and significant decisions made, anticipating future strategies.
  2. Meeting Minutes Prompt
    • Prompt: "Meeting Minutes: Develop comprehensive meeting minutes including attendees, discussion points, decisions made, action items, and data insights."
    • Use: Designed to ensure no detail is overlooked, this prompt helps ChatGPT capture every critical aspect of the meeting, providing a complete record that ensures clarity and accountability for all involved.
  3. Action Items and Decisions Prompt
    • Prompt: "Summarize the key points, decisions, and action items from this meeting."
    • Use: This prompt is effective for creating concise meeting minutes that accurately capture the key discussions, decisions, and responsibilities assigned, making it easier to track progress and refer back to during future discussions.

Tips for Crafting Effective Prompts

  • Clarity and Conciseness: When crafting prompts for ChatGPT, clarity is key. Begin by stating exactly what you want to be summarized. Use simple language and straightforward instructions to ensure ChatGPT understands your request accurately.
  • Provide Context: Briefly introduce the topic or provide necessary background information to help ChatGPT understand the context of the content it's summarizing. This ensures that the summary remains focused and on-topic.
  • Specify Length and Format: Clearly define the desired length and format of the summary to meet your requirements. Whether you need a short paragraph, bullet points, or a longer summary, communicating your expectations upfront helps ChatGPT tailor the response accordingly.
  • Focus on Key Points: Identify the most important information or key points within the content you want summarized. Highlighting these key points in your prompt helps ChatGPT prioritize the essential elements when generating the summary, ensuring that crucial details are not overlooked.
  • Avoid Bias or Leading Questions: When crafting prompts, avoid introducing bias or leading ChatGPT towards a specific interpretation. Keep the language neutral and refrain from inserting personal opinions or assumptions into the prompt, allowing ChatGPT to generate an objective summary based solely on the provided content.
  • Review and Refine: After receiving the summary from ChatGPT, review it carefully to ensure accuracy and relevance. If necessary, refine your prompt or provide additional clarification to improve the quality of the summary. Iterative refinement may be required to fine-tune ChatGPT's understanding and enhance the summarization process.

Additional Tips for Enhancing Your Meeting Summaries

Highlighting Key Points

When you're summarizing meeting transcripts with ChatGPT, it's crucial to instruct the AI to focus on the most significant details. This ensures that the summary captures the essential insights and decisions made during the meeting. For instance, you might use prompts like, "Please ensure the summary mentions the decision on the new marketing strategy and the discussion about budget allocations." This targeted approach helps in extracting the most relevant information from your meeting transcripts.

Using Templates for Structure

To enhance the consistency and efficiency of your summaries, consider using templates. Templates can guide ChatGPT to produce summaries that adhere to a specific format, making it easier for you to review and distribute the summarized information. For example, a template might include sections for objectives, key decisions, action items, and discussion points. This structured approach not only streamlines the summarization process but also ensures that all critical aspects of the meeting are covered.

Refining Outputs

The first summary generated by ChatGPT may not always meet your expectations. It's important to review the output and provide feedback to the AI. For example, if the initial summary is too broad, you might request a more focused summary by saying, "The summary is a good start, but could you please concentrate more on the outcomes of the client feedback discussion?" By iteratively refining the prompts and feedback, you can hone the summaries to better suit your needs and ensure that they accurately reflect the key points of your meetings.


Throughout this exploration, we have journeyed through the nuances of employing ChatGPT to distill and condense meeting transcripts into precise, action-oriented summaries. By delving into the practical steps necessary for leveraging this advanced AI technology, we've unveiled how it can dramatically enhance efficiency in professional settings. From the initial acquisition of transcripts to the fine-tuning of AI-generated summaries, this guide has provided a comprehensive roadmap for professionals looking to harness the power of ChatGPT to streamline their meeting documentation and ensure crucial information is captured and communicated effectively.

The significance of integrating tools like ChatGPT into our professional routines cannot be overstated. By automating the summarization process, we not only save valuable time but also bolster our capacity to focus on strategic implementation and follow through on critical action items. As we close this discussion, let us reflect on the broader implications of AI in enhancing operational efficiency and driving productivity. By adopting such technology, we are paving the way for a more efficient, effective, and empowered future in the realm of professional communication and decision-making.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can ChatGPT help with creating summaries of meeting transcripts?


Yes, ChatGPT can assist in generating notes or summaries from a meeting transcript. By providing the transcript, ChatGPT can highlight essential points, discussions, action items, and other pertinent details, crafting a succinct summary or notes for you.

What prompts should be used with ChatGPT to summarize meeting notes effectively?


To guide ChatGPT in summarizing meeting notes efficiently, use the prompt: "Summarize the key points, decisions, and action items from this meeting." This instruction, also known as Meeting Minutes, cues ChatGPT to identify and condense the most critical elements of the meeting.

How can one utilize ChatGPT to summarize a transcript?


To summarize a transcript using ChatGPT, first, copy the text from your digital document. Next, paste this text into ChatGPT's message bar. Following the pasted text, type "Summarize the article above" and press Enter to submit your request. For ChatGPT Plus subscribers, the initial copy-and-paste step is unnecessary.

What is the best approach to summarizing a meeting transcript?


When summarizing a meeting transcript, focus on distilling the key takeaways and highlights into straightforward language. Begin by pinpointing the decisions reached during the meeting and rank them by their importance. Ensure the summary is clear and concise, enabling quick comprehension of the meeting's context by all readers.




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